Foreign Companies
Industries and activities that require VAT registration in Portugal
When carrying out trading activities in portuguese territory, foreign companies must be aware of their VAT registration and compliance obligations.
These are the most common ativities that require VAT registration in Portugal:
Organizers of exhibitions, conferences, seminars and other events in Portuguese territory are required to be VAT registered, and file the VAT Returns periodically if it is a continuous activity, or a single VAT return in reference to the period of the event. Related costs are recoverable subject to the normal rules of deduction.
Online sales to individuals or non-registered entities in Portugal will require the vendor to register for VAT, once the annual threshold of 35.000€ has been exceeded. The VAT on sales will then be charged at the portuguese rates, and the VAT Returns must be filed and paid periodically.
When exporters send their goods to Portugal to create a consignment stock to supply customers or goods subject to a Customs warehousing regime, they are required to be VAT registered. When the stock is kept by the clients, the sales may be processed through SBI (self billing invoice) by the client in a certified software, or alternatively, the company must have a certified software to issue the invoices. VAT Returns must be filed and paid periodically.
Contractors, who supply goods for which they are also responsible for the installation in portuguese territory, may be required to register for VAT. If the clients in Portugal are VAT registered entities, they will be able to declare the VAT on behalf of the foreign contractor, but if the clients are individuals or non-registered entities, the VAT registration is required, as the filing and payment of a VAT Return.
We provide the service to obtain the VAT Number in Portugal, with fiscal representation for non-EU companies, VAT registration, submission of the periodic VAT returns, VAT refund claims, certified billing software, certified accounting and tax advice for all types of operations in Portugal.
For further information on our services please contact
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